Seite 32 - Cloud Services and Big Data

Integrated IT Structure: ERP Systems
because employees in the Kinderwunschzentrum Goldenes Kreuz consider
themselves as so-called “universalists”. Based on the small size of the company
about 40 employees), a perceivable allocation of competences, especially in the
administrative office is not always possible. Each employee has got a clear overview
of the company and its business processes. Most notably during times of huge
workload, it is necessary to adapt in a timely manner and re-arrange tasks
accordingly in order to guarantee an efficient output. As a result, employees are
demanded to work on several tasks that in some cases might not be exactly their
usual area of activity. Furthermore, it is essential that they have always access to
all their data regardless of the location they are currently doing their work (at the
medical headquarter, the administrative office, from home or even abroad).
Quinni Pro User Interface
By analogy with the geographical separation between the administration office and
the medical headquarter, the frontend (= user interface) of QuinniPro is separated
into a medical interface, including data about medical history, prescriptions, and
more, and an administrative part, which encompasses aspects such as financial
records, statistics, orders, schedule of debitors and accounts payable.
Figure 11 - Accounting Module QuinniPro
Source: Author’s Chart